Why Should You Use an Ergonomic Office Chair at Workplaces?

Lakshit Ahuja
3 min readJun 21, 2022


Unlike those in the past, workplaces today are designed to nurture employees’ physical health. On average, employees sit for 6 to 8 hours in chairs, which has a huge risk of developing heart diseases and musculoskeletal disorders. Moreover, it may also affect the performance and productivity of employees, in the long run, owing to absenteeism.

Most workstations use ergonomic furniture to avoid these problems. With ergonomically designed chairs, you can sit upright to avoid back pain. With these chairs, you have a headrest to support your neck and shoulders adequately and your spine with a backrest. With such support, you can prevent neck arthritis or cervical spondylosis in the future.

Ergonomic Office Chair

What Is an Ergonomic Office Chair?

Before investing money in an ergonomic office chair, you should know what it is. Such chairs are designed to have features to support the human body with aspects related to comfort, posture, and health. Nevertheless, all these depend on how you sit in a chair. For instance, you should sit upright with your neck in a neutral position. Don’t slouch; be at an arm’s length away from your monitor. Have your feet flat on the ground for proper circulation.

Various Reasons to Use Ergonomic Chairs at Home or Office

Other than being adjustable and custom-made, a high back chair can help you in many ways when working remotely.

1. Maintains Right Posture

When sitting and working for long hours, you tend to develop back and neck pain if you are using a normal chair. You may maintain a bad posture by leaning forward to reach your laptop or personal computer. Normal office chairs may lack ergonomic features. An ergonomic chair, unlike a usual chair, is an anomaly — it is designed to support your body’s natural posture that helps you to sit and work comfortably.

2. Improves productivity

Buying chairs with ergonomic features will help prevent musculoskeletal disorders. Employees will find themselves comfortable in an upright posture without any stress to the neck, spine, and hips. It will help improve their performance and increase productivity.

3. Reduces back pain

Long hours of sitting and working on a computer will result in most employees complaining of shoulder pain, neck pain, and back pain. A prime reason for this is your bad posture when sitting in a traditional chair. An ergonomic chair can help you with a reclining backrest using a synchro-tilt mechanism, adjustable seat depth and height, adjustable armrest and headrest, and rocking-pressure adjustment. With all these, you can avoid lower back pain by maintaining a correct body posture.

4. Increases blood circulation

Changing your position every 20–30 minutes will help raise your metabolic rate, which will help increase circulation.

With several suppliers online, you can easily buy ergonomic office chairs at the best prices and promote a healthy and safe work environment at your workplace.



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